Sunrise Treatment Center - Bridges Fund Management








Sunrise Treatment Center

Treatment and counselling programs for individuals suffering from opioid use disorder

Investment Strategy

Growth Business


Healthier Lives

Date of initial investment

April 2019

Bridges Executives

Ed Niemczyk
Elizabeth Burgess


Opioid addiction in the U.S. continues to rise, putting a growing segment of the population in a cycle of dependence and pain. In Ohio, the rate of drug overdose deaths involving opioids exceeds the national average by 169%. The acuity of the epidemic in Ohio River Valley significantly outweighs treatment availability.

Investable Solution

Sunrise is a substance abuse treatment provider that operates clinics, providing Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and behavioral counseling to individuals suffering from opioid use disorder.


By providing high-quality and evidence-based addiction treatment services, Sunrise decreases substance dependency and improves health outcomes. Sunrise’s model increases patient independence, reducing the negative effects of opioid abuse.