16th November 2022

Building an innovation nation, with Nesta’s Ravi Gurumurthy

Welcome to 20/30 Visions, a new Bridges series in which we ask experts and thought-leaders from around the globe: what needs to change if we want to build a more sustainable and inclusive future in the next decade? And how do we make that change happen?

In this episode we’re exploring another essential topic: innovation. If we are to have any hope of tackling the challenges we face, innovation is clearly going to be critical: not just inventing whizzy new technologies, but also designing better products and better services and better ways of working.

Our guest is Ravi Gurumurthy, CEO of Nesta, which styles itself as “the UK’s innovation agency for social good”. In our interview, Ravi discusses:

  • Why innovation is important – and why it’s hard
  • How to accelerate the move to Net Zero homes
  • The key to tackling the expensive problem of obesity
  • How regulation can support innovation
  • The one area where Government is well-placed to drive long-term change
  • The key policy levers for accelerating innovation
  • And more


Watch our conversation here:

Or you can download Ravi’s insights to read as a PDF here

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